Join our team of Creators & Innovators

Innovation is our DNA and everyday is an opportunity to learn and grow at IA. Join our team of creators, engineers & innovators, and work on the most cutting-edge, cloud-based SaaS solutions in the market, to solve the toughest retail challenges through automation and AI.

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Why us?

Our values are what define us and it applies to everyone who we interact with. These key pillars of our organization defined by our founders, make us the company we are today.


Innovation is our DNA

Problem solving is
at the heart of it

A Icons Benefits Experiment

Fail Fast & Experiment

Failure Assures
Invaluable Learning

A Icons Benfits

Collaboration & Learning

Knowledge multiplication
through collaboration

A Icons Benefits

Customer Service

Happy customers is
our mantra


Ownership & Work Ethics

You’re your
own boss!

A Icons Benfits Honesty

Honesty & Transparency

Honesty is the expressway
to building trust


Agility & Efficiency

Think fast, plan faster,
finish fastest

A Icons Benfits

Empathy & Giving Back

Giving back is a
privilege and duty

Life at Impact

I am really very happy and at the same time, honored to be a part of Impact Analytics which is one of the best places to work. It creates a truly diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can feel comfortable

QA Manager

Impact has become my second home. The growth and the numerous opportunities I received, wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t at Impact. Beautiful minds and experienced people have helped shape my career

Data Science Lead

IA has been truly phenomenal with ample opportunities to learn from and a great team to work with. Every teamlet is an entrepreneurial ecosystem which gives you the space to develop and learn both the hard skills and soft skills

Project Leader

Join our team

Life in Impact Analytics is full of opportunities, choices, and the ability to shape your unique journey while having a lot of fun.
Join us in #makinganimpact


Our offices

Driving ROI through

AI Powered Insights

We are led by a team with deep industry expertise . We believe in “Better decisions with AI” as the center of our products and philosophy, and leveraging this to empower your organization

Cta Img